It’s a new year, but that doesn’t mean we’re not the same stoners or weed witches we’ve always been! We’re starting this New Year and new decade with our hooves firmly planted and our joints, edibles, and bongs in hand as we focus our vision on Capricorn season, which lasts until January 21st. 

Each sign of the zodiac is ruled by an element, and Capricorn—our beloved sea goat—is ruled by the element of Earth. This element speaks of grounding, of our professional life, of our ability to live in the present moment. It is the realm of the physical, guiding us into finding a home in our surroundings but also in our bodies. Capricorn season comes at the beginning of the year, when we’re focused on growth, expansion, and evolution—and herein lies this season’s gifts. Both the element of earth and the goat—especially the sea goat—speak of adaptability. With Capricorn energy we’re able to thrive in whatever environment we’re experiencing, we’re able to blossom no matter the storm or chaos surrounding us. And what plant mirrors this multifaceted nature more than cannabis?

Chances are if you’re reading this, then you already have about ten different ways in which you work with cannabis, or at the very least, feel if the possibility of an array of uses or benefits it offers that are available to you. Cannabis can help us acclimate to the present moment with more ease, allowing us to become shapeshifters to better serve whatever situation we’re in, something that Capricorn does effortlessly as well. So when we combine these two supersonic energies? Well, we get the most grounded, innovative, and exciting Capricorn season possible. To help you plug even more deeply into the healing earth energy of both ganja and Capricorn,

Read more from our friends at High Times