With all of the various types of cannabis paraphernalia in today’s day and age, it’s pretty easy to forget the one-hitter pipe. Between dab rigs, extravagant glass bongs, and elaborate bubblers, the one-hitter weed pipe has certainly been overshadowed.

But that’s not to say it’s not super useful.

Sure, nowadays there are easier ways to get high on the low, thanks to vape cartridges and increased access to edibles. But not everyone likes the fancy stuff. Sometimes, the green is the way to go. So if you’re looking to get high (relatively) discreetly, you may want to look into the benefits of a one-hitter pipe. Let’s dive into what exactly a one-hitter pipe is, the different kinds of one-hitters, and how to use them.

What Is A One-Hitter Pipe?

Even the most inept could figure out the answer to the question “what is a one-hitter?” Look no further than its name for your answer.

What is a one-hitter weed pipe? It’s essentially, any pipe designed and built to take, well, one hit.

Article over.

Just kidding; let’s get into some of the specifics.

There are a few different types of one-hitters, but they all have the same basic function and make. Most hold around 25 milligrams of cannabis, which is good for a single, fairly large hit. They’re specifically designed for both discretion, as you can pretty much carry it anywhere and it (sort of) looks like you’re lighting a cigarette, and for the conservation of bud, simply because you can’t pack it with too much weed.

Typically, a one-hitter is tube-shaped and made out of glass or metal. One side will be flattened in the shape of a mouthpiece, and

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