Fast food is wonderful. There is probably nothing in this world that better suits the munchies. It’s salty. It’s fried. It’s made of the cheapest ingredients, and served 200 times a day, without any semblance of care.

It’s perfect.

Unfortunately, the perfect fast food restaurant doesn’t seem to exist yet. Sure, there are places that do great things, but there really isn’t one spot that does the best version of everything on the menu. Let’s take a look at the wide world of fast food, and check in on who does what best. We present The Fast Food Awards.

Best Burger: In-N-Out

The Fast Food Awards

Laine Trees / Flickr

Yeah, okay, California guy coming through. I can already see half of you angrily slamming your laptops closed or hurling your phones out of the nearest window.

Here’s the thing: In-N-Out makes the best fast food burger. It’s not even a debate; their ingredients are leagues ahead of every other chain. Remember what I said about being poorly put together without care? This beauty right here is the only spot that isn’t like that. Nothing frozen. Nothing fake. The quality is what separates In-N-Out from the rest. When you place your order here, you know exactly what you’re going to get. With most chains, you’re rolling the dice, hoping your burger looks like the commercial. Not at In-N-Out.

The quality of this burger is unrivaled — but add to that the fact that the food is some of the cheapest in the game, what is there left to say? The Double-Double is the most expensive thing on the menu, and it’s not even $4. Unbelievable.

Best Fries: Rally’s / Checkers

The Fast Food Awards

Courtesy of Rally’s

“Wahh wahh wahh I’m a baby and

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