If you’re worried you’ve got some laced weed, you’ve come to the right place. Hopefully, you’re not experiencing any laced weed symptoms. If you are, it could be time to seek medical attention. But that’s the paradox about laced weed: it’s difficult to tell if weed is laced if you haven’t used it. If you have used it, of course, it’s easy to tell—because you’re probably really messed up. So before it gets to that point, here’s how to know if your weed is laced.

How To Tell If Weed Is Laced

If you have laced weed, it was probably laced in one of two ways. Either substances were sprinkled into weed that’s already ground up and probably wrapped, or a joint or blunt was dipped in a liquid form of a drug or chemical mix. Hence, that “wet”.

Weed can be laced with harder drugs like cocaine, PCP, heroin, and acid. And aside from hard drugs, cannabis can be laced with other nasty stuff. Embalming fluid (formaldehyde), laundry soap, insecticide, even glass have all ended up in cannabis, either to try to increase its potency, its weight or its appearance.

Here’s how to tell if your weed is laced with any of this stuff.

How To Know If Your Weed Is Laced With Cocaine

Cocaine is a white powder with the texture of powdered sugar. It usually smells faintly of the chemical solvent used to extract the drug from the coca plant. The taste is metallic and bitter, but smoking it will numb your mouth to the sensations pretty quickly.

Unlaced weed should only drop a few white crystals (trichomes) from its buds. If more powder than that is observable, you could have cocaine

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