That supposedly healthy glass of wine a day might now be even more appealing to those that stay away from alcohol. Late last year, a new trend started brewing in states where recreational bud is legal — Cannabis-infused wines hit the market, offering its consumers an alcohol-free, cannabis-potent alternative. It may be more costly than the convenient and cheap box o’ wine. But try something even more daring than the spout, something that won’t cost the wicked hangover one usually has to survive after a night of savoring red vino. No matter what, get to wherever you can legally buy these wines before the state you live in starts banning these bud-infused beverages. Stock up while it’s still possible, and then pop the cork on these 4 cannabis-infused wines worth buying.

4 Cannabis-Infused Wines Worth Buying

Courtesy of CannaVines

CannaVines in California, USA

Unfortunately, these delicious wines are not yet available outside of Cannabis Tours, a must-see wine and weed pairing tour there in the golden state. This tour takes millennials, wine-os, and the classiest of agro-tourists on a culinary and cannabis adventure, matching food and marijuana to wine. But luckily, soon CannaVines will offer up a diversity of wines all infused with classic favorite strains. Soon residents of California will be able to make an online purchase of a red blend infused with Headbead to alleviate stress. Or perhaps a Chardonnay combined with an uplifting Sour Diesel for a general euphoric feeling. Red and white don’t quite satisfy the tastebuds? Try on their rosé blended with CBD and Grand Daddy Purple to relieve stress and ease anxiety. Once these guys finally hit the market, their options can suit any mood or soirée.

4 Cannabis-Infused Wines Worth Buying

Courtesy of Rebel Coast Winery

Rebel Coast Winery in California, USA

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