With cannabis legalization and use on the rise, mothers are beginning to consider the potential for CBD and THC as useful birth aids and delivery pain medication for their babies in place of Pitocin, epidurals and other traditional birthing drugs.

When Kelley started to feel contractions, she dropped a “bath bomb” in her tub and slid in, letting the warm water and the THC and CBD from the cannabis mixed into the bomb relax her body and hasten the arrival of her child, as midwives have reportedly been doing in the delivery of babies for centuries.

“As old witch warriors, this was our go-to way to help during labor,” Kelley explained via phone interview.

A mother of three, she is committed to passing on what she has learned about using cannabis to manage pain during birth: according to her, It works and it works well.

Bath Bombs and Tinctures for Relief

Cannamommy.org, her company based out of the Humboldt, CA area, promotes using CBD in conjunction with THC to ease pain and speed up contractions. The “bath bomb” she used in her labor is an item her company makes and sells. Ingredients include essential oils, baking soda, Epsom salts and of course, CBD and THC. “There are others on the market”, Kelley explains, “but we make ours specifically for pregnant mothers.”

Mothers In Labor Are Using Cannabis To Manage Pain During Birth

Kelley’s CBD and THC bath bombs aren’t the only game in town, but she insists that when it comes to labor pain, they are a game changer. Image courtesy CannaMommy.org

Kelley also endorses using CBD tincture on the laboring mother’s cervix and is living proof of the ointment’s value. “I basically infused cannabis oils with both THC and CBD into olive oil and added vitamin D and

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