As things get greener and greener in America, talking about who does and doesn’t get stoned has become much less of a taboo. Attitudes have changed, and information that may have once shocked people has become fun and playful (and in some cases, even sort of charming). These days it seems like everybody needs to know exactly who smokes weed, and that fascination is doubly so for celebrities. Behold: here are 20 celebrities who smoke weed…and have admitted to it.

20 Celebrities Who Smoke Weed

Evan El-Amin/ Shutterstock

Barack Obama

When we think about celebrities who smoke weed, out minds typically don’t jump to politicians. You know him as America’s sweetheart and the 44th POTUS, but Mr. President is no stranger to pot, either. In the biography, Barack Obama: The Story, author David Maraniss describes “Barry Obama” as a member of a crew of basketball-playing, weed-toking college boys called “The Choom Gang”, which is a Hawaiian term for smoking marijuana. Maraniss describes how Obama would enjoy elbowing his way into a circle of folks smoking a J and yell, “Intercepted!” and steal a hit out of turn, or “bogart that joint”. Now that’s a president worth voting for.

20 Celebrities Who Smoke Weed

Kathy Hutchins/ Shutterstock

Matthew McConaughey

This Oscar-winning actor coined his “Alright, alright, alright” catchphrase while on the set of his first film, Dazed and Confused, a coming-of-age film about, well, smoking weed, among other things. And McConaughey is certainly one of those celebrities who smoke weed off-screen. He was once arrested while playing the bongos naked at 2 a.m., on suspected marijuana possession. The charges were later dropped, but when was the last time you played the bongos naked at 2 a.m. sober?

20 Celebrities Who Smoke Weed

Philip Nelson/ Wikimedia Commons

Lady Gaga

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