For a product aimed to mellow people out, CBD[1] sure is inspiring a lot of excitement.

CBD, or cannabidol, is one of the non-psychoactive components [2]found in the cannabis or hemp plant. That means it doesn’t get a user high, unlike marijuana. The ingredient has seen a surge in popularity, with people using it as a tool for a host of health issues.

CBD is available in oils, which is arguably its most widely known and often-studied form. (It can also be used in a vape pen, consumed through food like CBD gummies[3] or added to items like creams and beauty products.) All sounds pretty magical, right?

Like with most health-related items, you should understand the benefits and limitations of CBD before you rush off and start using products like CBD oil. Below is a breakdown of just some of the things you should know, according to research and experts:

CBD oil may help with mental health issues.

Perhaps one of the most popular uses for the product is to gain relief from stress or other mental health issues ― and for a good reason. CBD’s effects may be similar to anti-anxiety medication or antidepressants, Virginia Thornley[4], a board-certified neurologist in Sarasota, Florida, who reviews scientific articles on cannabidiol, previously told HuffPost.

Research also shows some promise: A study published in 2017 by São Paulo University in Brazil found that CBD was able to decrease anxiety[5] in patients with social phobia. A review published in the journal Schizophrenia Bulletin suggests CBD may also produce clinical benefits for patients with early psychosis[6].  

CBD oil might

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