How did an outlaw weed farmer from Oklahoma become a medical-marijuana grower in California and produce hundreds of pounds of premium estate-grown cannabis in a sustainable and environmentally conscious facility? Take an insider’s tour of THC Design’s massive indoor marijuana garden in the heart of Los Angeles and see just what it takes to grow large quantities of weed without sacrificing quality. It all starts with the desire and determination to create a new pot paradigm…

Grow West, Young Man

Premium Estate-Grown Cannabis

Courtesy of THC Design

Ryan Jennemann fled from Tulsa, OK, to Los Angeles with a dream to grow pot in relative freedom. He had seen how medical cannabis helped his ailing father with debilitating headaches and how the lack of it contributed to his dad’s demise at only 47 years old. The ongoing harassment, persecution and prosecution of his family by Oklahoma law enforcement led him to seek greener pastures out West. Now he’s a co-founder and the chief cultivator for THC Design, overseeing all of the company’s growing facilities and ensuring that the medicine it produces is as clean and as effective as possible.

From the moment I meet Jennemann and his crew, I realize there’s a palpable emphasis on family. Jennemann’s brother Seth is THC Design’s president and CFO, and much of the company’s staff are trusted friends from Oklahoma who migrated out to California to be a part of the team. Seemingly every worker I encounter on my tour looks happy to be there and shares with me a pride in being a part of the company and community.

Premium Estate-Grown Cannabis

Courtesy of THC Design

The facilities at THC Design capture, reclaim and reuse between 1,500 and 2,000 gallons of water per day from dehumidifiers and central air conditioning.

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