Today is the SoCal Cannabis Cup: Day 3. It’s officially the final hours of the three-day long festival.

Yesterday was marked by an even bigger crowd than the first day of the SoCal Cannabis Cup. In addition to the scheduled activities, like live podcasts, VR experiences and laser tag, industry veteran Bobby West, also known as “Uncle Stoner”, hosted the USA Squash-Off at the Rosin Tech Products booth.

And as a fun surprise, some lucky Cannabis Cup goers caught some swag right at the 4:20 mark.

Last night’s concert opened with Ever and ran through a list of greats, including Big Mike, Fabolous, Raekwon and, of course, the headliner of the evening, Lil Wayne.

What’s Going Down at SoCal Cannabis Cup: Day 3?

Festival Map:

12 Reasons To Get Excited for the SoCal Cannabis Cup 2018

When and Where is the SoCal Cannabis Cup?

The SoCal Cannabis Cup is from April 20th to the 22nd at the NOS Events Center in San Bernardino California.  Doors open at 12 pm for VIP tickets and 12:30 for GA each day. The event closes at 10 pm on Friday/Saturday and 8 pm on Sunday.

Who Can Attend This Year?

This year, anyone aged 18 or over will be allowed to attend the event. Just bring ID to prove it.

Where Can You Park?

Follow signs when you arrive at the NOS Events Center for paid attendee parking.

Where Can I Find the Baby Goats?

Here is our festival map so you don’t have to try and figure out how to navigate the event while stoned at the last minute.

Can You Buy Weed?

The San Bernardino City Council voted to block the lawful sale of cannabis-based products at the last minute. But that won’t stop us from blazing together

Read more from our friends at High Times