Want a great job but don’t want to give up the herb? Whether a career is 420-friendly or not generally comes down to whether your employer will drug test you, and whether there’s any danger in showing up to work high. From the creative fields to tech jobs, here are nine cannabis-friendly career fields every Mary Jane enthusiast should consider.

1. Musician

9 Cannabis-Friendly Career Fields

Careers that involve nightlife and creativity let you smoke as much green as you want to. Being a musician combines both these attributes, making it a classic cannabis-lover career choice.

Wondering who else combined music and marijuana? The list is never-ending. Jazz (Louis Armstrong), country (Willie Nelson), rock (Jimmy Hendrix), hip-hop (Snoop Dogg) and pop (Rihanna) legends have all smoked a ton of weed, and risen to soaring heights in their careers, too.

Not only does the musician lifestyle—and lack of drug testing unless it’s court ordered à la Britney Spears—permit ample marijuana use, but the creativity required to write songs can come easier when you’re high.

Plus, when you’re famous, you have a platform to advocate for legalization without putting your career in danger.

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