There are several articles and products online that claim you can treat back pain with cannabis topicals. We’re here to make the capabilities of cannabis topicals clear as distillate. That way you can purchase the right cannabis products for your specific needs on the first try. We’ll get to the bottom of the question “can you treat back pain with cannabis topicals?”

What Are Cannabis Topicals Used For?

Some people believe cannabis topicals can be used for treating aches and pains. However, this wasn’t the original purpose of cannabis topicals. Most people use cannabis topicals to relieve localized pain or to treat dermatological conditions like eczema.

Rick Simpson claims to have made Rick Simpson Oil and used it as a topical to treat his skin cancer. He was motivated to try cannabis after hearing about a study on the antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids that was able to stunt tumor growth in mice. There is also research on cannabinoids inhibiting cellular respiration of human oral cancer cells.

What The Experts Have To Say

Since there isn’t much research on cannabis topicals for aches and pains we turned to experts for answers. Dr. Jordan Tishler MD is a Harvard graduate, the CEO of InhaleMD, a member of the Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance and CannaKorp boards.

He sees patients on a regular basis and has practiced as an Emergency Physician. During that time his observation that cannabis never caused an overdose sparked his interest in the safety and uses of cannabis in treatment.

Dr. Tishler regularly speaks on topics related to the medical applications of cannabis so we asked him a few questions about topicals.

There are people and articles online recommending cannabis use for

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