The field of cannabis research is vast and diverse. From biochemical studies of the plant itself to physiological and chemical studies of its pharmacology to psychological and social research into its effects, researchers studying cannabis produce the knowledge at the foundation of industry innovation and public policy. Yet perhaps the most important research being done in this new era of expanded access to legal cannabis pertains to just one facet of the plant: the humble cannabinoid. Cannabinoids, the chemicals that qualify the plant as a drug, are the sine qua non of the commercial and medical significance of cannabis.

The Ultimate Guide To The Cannabinoids In Cannabis

Despite their importance, however, our scientific understanding of cannabinoids has been stunted, in the United States, by prohibition and elsewhere, by restrictive regulations. The result is a literature on the subject that’s patchy and inconsistent, yet reflective of the market’s interest in THC and CBD. Toppling regulations and expanding legalization, however, have made it possible for researchers to conduct more thorough investigations into other cannabinoids.

Exploring the world of cannabinoids can be rewarding for anyone interested in cultivating a more intentional relationship with cannabis. Knowledge about precisely how and why certain strains and products produce their effects is empowering.

For those ready to take the plunge, here’s the ultimate guide to the cannabinoids in cannabis. We start with an overview of cannabinoids in general, how and why they react with our bodies, and then dive into the most important cannabinoids. As a bonus for all you vape-fans and dab-heads, we list the boiling point for each cannabinoid for easy reference.

What is a Cannabinoid?

The Ultimate Guide To Cannabinoids In Cannabis

Cannabinoids get their name less from what they are and more from what they

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