Looking for a healthy drink that refreshes and packs in probiotics? Kombucha, a fermented tea drink, offers just that in a delicious fizzy beverage loaded with B vitamins and antioxidants. But what if the benefits of drinking this lightly sweetened concoction came with the healthful effects of cannabis? Making your own version of cannabis kombucha is easy with just a little time and patience. It may seem like a slightly complicated chemistry experiment. But follow these steps on how to brew cannabis kombucha, and you’ll be sipping this tasty drink very soon.

What is Kombucha?

How To Brew Cannabis Kombucha

Made by adding together particular strains of bacteria, yeast, and sugar to black or green tea, kombucha requires significant time to brew. During this fermentation process, the bacteria and yeast form the shape of a mushroom on the surface of the mixture.

This blob has its own name: SCOBY. SCOBY is an acronym which stands for symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast. This SCOBY is truly a gift that keeps on giving. After it is formed in the original batch, it can be used to make new batches of kombucha.

As kombucha brews, it also produces vinegar and probiotics. Vinegar from this process helps the body by killing harmful bacteria. Furthermore, probiotics aid the body in digestion and helping to reduce inflammation. And to top it off, this tasty drink may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Before Beginning to Brew

How To Brew Cannabis Kombucha

Sure, regular kombucha comes in all sorts of flavors and can even be purchased at the local deli or grocery store. But cannabis kombucha has just recently hit the market. At the 2015 Cannabis Cup, this special “living tea” caused a stir.

Both Kannabucha and

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